Today we will prepare a baby recipe very simple, a refreshing snack ideal for baby, especially with sunny days which arrive so it’s perfect đ
From 12 months, baby will love it!
We usually eat avocado in a “salted” dish, with shrimp, or in vinaigrette, with salmon … I decided to cook it in a “sweet” version for baby’s snack. So I’m going to marry it with strawberry (I chose Gariguette strawberries), lemon, and even chopped fresh mint!
Avocado is a very sweet fruit, rich in vitamins and fiber. It goes well with foods that have a lot of taste, which are acidic or bitter, because it softens these flavors a little specials for babies.
Strawberry, a little sweet delight, rich in vitamins! We will mix it with lemon and fresh mint, a treat for this tartar!
Here is what you need to prepare this recipe of Lemon Mint Strawberry Tartar with lemon avocado cream for baby (From 12 months, a portion of 4,5oz approximately):
- [adinserter block="11"]
- - 3 strawberries (55g)
- - 1/2 avocado (75g)
- - 1 lemon
- - 1 chopped fresh mint leave
- - 1 tsp of sugar

We then cut the flesh of our strawberries to make a small tartare. They are cut into small cubes of about 0.5cm each side: the goal, small and easy to chew and swallow for baby!
We will then squeeze a little bit of lemon juice. Then we will wash a fresh mint leaf, which we will chisel very finely. We then mix the lemon juice with the mint chiseled.
This mixture is added to our strawberry tartare.
We reserve our tartar in the fridge for a few minutes (To reduce the acidity of lemon, you can add a teaspoon of sugar!).
Meanwhile, we will prepare our avocado. Cut it in half, remove the central core, then remove the flesh of our half avocado with a teaspoon.
We place our avocado flesh in a small blender with the lemon juice. If you do not have a small mixer, you can also crush your avocado with a fork, make sure that the cream obtained is fine and smooth for your baby!
We then place our lemon avocado cream in a suitable container, and then add our strawberry tartare on top.
Our baby recipe: Strawberry tartar with mint and lemon on avocado cream baby recipe (from 12 months) is now over and baby will love it!
Bon appetit baby!
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